Chicken Noodle Soup

Culinary Moments: Chicken Noodle Soup

A stuffed teddy bear, a fuzzy blanket, chicken noodle soup and Mom – what do these all have in common? They are the universally agreed upon “feel better” ingredients. When we were kids, Mom had the cure all of life’s problems, no matter if it was a scraped knee, a rift with a friend from […]

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Thermador Kitchen

Small Kitchen, Professional Style

Spacious, beautifully designed kitchens with professional style appliances are a true haven for culinary enthusiasts. A rising trend in the homes of real cooks is that they model their guest house kitchen to match the main house kitchen, and some match the appliances in vacation homes to those in their primary homes for a seamless […]

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Thermador Trends

2016 Kitchen Design Trends with Traditional Home Magazine & Design Experts

Traditional Home Magazine and a group of top designers from across the nation joined Thermador at the Experience & Design Center in Irvine last week, and a hot topic of discussion was centered around what the latest trends are for today’s great kitchens. While the kitchen space still serves as a command center within the […]

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Clean Up on Aisle 2

Tobi Fairley is a Thermador brand partner. Life can get messy, especially at home. With kids, pets, guests, and day-to-day living, you can end up with spills and messes in every room of your house! But the room that seems to get the most action when it comes to dirt and debris is the kitchen. […]

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Thermador Kitchen Innovation

Vintage Thermador Kitchen Innovation (1950s-1970s)

The 1950s was a time for change in the United States. As the post-war economy improved, people gained confidence and began to spend on indulgences – including eating at restaurants with much greater frequency. Soon, Americans began to desire the conveniences of restaurants within their own kitchens to elevate their entertaining experiences. At the same […]

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Kitchen Design Challenge

Show Us Your Best, and We’ll Show You the Money – Thermador Kitchen Design Challenge

Believe it or not, the first quarter of 2016 is already coming to an end. No doubt there are already numerous amazing kitchens that have been completed this year, and many more in the works. That makes now a good time to remind designers, builders and architects to submit their boldest, most luxurious Thermador kitchen […]

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Entertaining Zones

The Rise of Entertaining Zones

  Home entertaining often extends beyond the kitchen, sometimes in a formal dining room for a holiday dinner, in a media room when screening a big game, mingling over appetizers in the living room or gathering around the game table on a weekend night. While main appliances like the range, wall ovens, refrigerator and freezer […]

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Thermador Innovation: Groundbreaking “Firsts” From the First 50 Years

The first 50 years of Thermador were remarkable – we changed the way appliances were viewed, sparked life into the kitchen design industry, and began our legacy of innovation. This was a special time in Thermador history, and we’d like to share a few of our favorite ‘firsts’ from these decades. Today, this 100-year-old brand […]

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