Steamy Kitchen: Hot Partnership with Thermador
A little over ten years ago, I built my dream kitchen. It was my first home that I’d ever owned and I purposely bought an older home, knowing that I would gut and remodel the entire thing. The house had so many walls that you felt like a mouse in a maze just navigating from the front door to the master bedroom. The bathrooms were so small that you had to take a step back out the door just to change your mind.
The center of the house, of course, was the kitchen. And the center of the kitchen, of course, was the range – a Thermador range. It was the ONLY appliance in the home that I refused to scrimp on – no other brand would – I practically built the kitchen around the Thermador, even making the contractor snake the proper gas and electrical lines an extra 3-inches so that the range could be placed exact center along the wall. When the kitchen lights were on “romantic evening moody dimmed mode” – two very soft overhead lights were pointed down at the Thermador. It was a shrine.
When Scott and I moved to Florida, we bought in a new community where all the homes were predesigned with choices of finishing touches to customize, like tile, carpet, countertops and cabinets. We had the kitchen built with no upgrades, thinking that one day we’d tear up the kitchen and build it the way that I wanted, which really was just a replication of the San Francisco kitchen.
But that “one day” never happened — something called “two kids” came back-to-back instead — and kitchen brands took a back seat to Fisher Price, Graco and Elmo. Thought these days, it’s more like Nerf, Star Wars and Legos.
Well, I’m happy to announce that the “one day” is finally here. I’m partnering with Thermador (my heart still pounds fast and furious every time I say that word!) for an entire year, developing recipes with their wonderful kitchen appliances.
I join friends Maria and Josh of Two Peas and Their Pod as part of the Thermador family.
So, that’s big news number one. The second big news is that instead of ripping out this kitchen, we’ll install a complete Thermador kitchen in our new home. Do you hear muffled screams? That’s me screaming all the excitement about our new home into a pillow because it’s not technically “ours” yet until the contract closes in a couple of months.
I’m absolutely thrilled to be working with a brand that I’ve loved for over ten years. I’m most excited about trying out Thermador’s newest product, the Steam and Convection Oven that cooks via steam only; steam + convection and convection only. It can cook a 14-pound turkey in 90 minutes, make steamed breads that are also perfectly browned via the convection and reheat foods without losing moisture.
See impressive Steam Oven video at bottom of product page.
Thermador has just relaunched their website – check out their really neat interactive videos that showcase their Masterpiece (sleek, modern design) and Professional (bold, industrial-inspired design) lines.