From the Director’s Desk: Brand Interaction On-demand
Have you ever searched for a last-minute recipe on the Internet, but couldn’t quite make it come together in time for your dinner party? Or Thanksgiving dinner? Or worse yet, your March Madness party?
There’s always some hang up: How high do I turn the burner? How long do I sauté those mushrooms for? What temperature and convection combination do I turn my oven to?
I know we’ve been there at my house, and I wish we had the help of Thermador’s Web Experience back then. Lucky for all of us, Thermador’s Virtual Dinner Party offers the perfect step-by-step solution on-demand at the click of a mouse.
Our Virtual Dinner Party is the first of its kind in the kitchen-appliance industry to offer consumers the opportunity to interact with a brand 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year on their computer screens.
Officially, the Thermador Web Experience is an immersive cooking and product demonstration website that makes up a key component to our bold new marketing campaign. It is yet another truly unique innovation from a brand that has 11 decades of them to its name.
The concept behind the experience stemmed from our Gallery & Training Center in Scottsdale, Ariz., where throughout the year we invite employees, dealers, designers, builders, culinary enthusiasts and media out to experience the latest Thermador kitchen innovations at our showcase facility. We wanted to bottle that experience and make it available to everyone.
The immersive aspect of the site makes it seem like you’re actually at the dinner party, conversing with the host, learning recipes, and at the same time, gleaning knowledge of our appliances.
The only thing the Web Experience doesn’t do is cook your meal for you. But hey, you’re a culinary enthusiast, so you wouldn’t want that now would you?
Zach Elkin
Director of the Thermador Brand