Use Steam and Convection for your Turkey this Thanksgiving
Is it really November already?
Regardless of whether or not you’re ready for the holidays, it’s certainly time to get ready for the feasts that accompany them. We all love being creative in our culinary-focused kitchens, but there’s never anything wrong with the good ol’ standby for Thanksgiving: turkey.
We say let’s do it up a bit differently this year–in a steam/convection oven. Anyone who has ever steamed a turkey can attest to its incredible results, from the moist interior to the crisp, perfectly cooked exterior.
This year we launched our brand new line of Built-in Wall Ovens. As the company that innovated the Built-in Wall Oven concept 65 years ago, it’s been a pleasure to continue charting the course of what this revolutionary kitchen appliance can do. Today, that includes steaming everything from vegetables to bread, desserts, and main courses such as turkey.
Our steam/convection ovens also are part of our industry-leading value add promotion, ONE-TWO-FREE™, which gives culinary enthusiasts an opportunity save up to $6,097 on the luxury Thermador kitchen of their dreams.
But for now, the turkey:
To get started, you need one 14-pound fresh turkey and softened, unsalted butter.
–Remove the giblets and neck from the turkey cavity; discard or reserve for another use.
–Rinse the bird with cold water, and pat dry with paper towels. Tie the ends of the legs together with string, and tuck the wings behind the back.
–Place wire rack on top of the solid full-sized insert and set the turkey on the rack. Rub the skin with softened butter. Insert roasting thermometer into the interior side of one thigh.
–Insert the rack assembly and bird into a cold oven, feet first, on rack position 2. Set the oven at 325 degrees Steam and Convection. After 45 minutes, shield the ends of the drumsticks with foil to prevent overbrowning. Resume cooking for another 45 minutes at the same setting.
–After 1½ hours, check the turkey for doneness; temperature should reach 170 degrees (if desired internal temperature has not yet been reached, return turkey to oven and check again soon). When the turkey is done remove from the oven and tent with foil.