Standout Side Dishes for an Exceptional Memorial Day Celebration
The summer season officially kicks off with Memorial Day Weekend. What better way to celebrate than by throwing the ultimate barbecue for family and friends? With the main course often taking center stage, I make every effort to ensure my side dishes are just as exceptional. From crowd-pleasing pasta salad, to sumptuously sweet coleslaw, here are some show-stopping sides that will make your Memorial Day celebration one you won’t forget.
When I host a party, I love to provide a selection of delightful side dishes that keep guests wanting more. One of my favorites is a Pasta Salad with Homemade Pesto – the perfect addition to any summer soiree, this dish is filled with seasonal finds such as spinach, fresh basil leaves and ripe cherry tomatoes. It is deliciously mixed with a citrusy seasoning of lemon juice and garlic and topped with authentic Parmesano Reggiano.
To ensure that my pasta is cooked just right, I turn to my Thermador Liberty™ Induction Cooktop. With the HeatShift™ function, I can easily change the power level by simply moving the pot across the cooking zone. Perfect for recipes that require multiple heat levels, this innovative feature sees to it that my pasta stays perfectly prepared until serving time.
For those who prefer a sweeter side dish, I opt for the ultimate crowd-pleaser that pairs with any Memorial Day main course – a classic coleslaw. This recipe is as vibrant as it is tasty! Made from a combination of green cabbage, carrots, buttermilk, brown sugar, shallots, mustard and mayonnaise, this sensational side is sure to stand out. Once all my ingredients are mixed in a bowl, I toss the sweet dressing over the cabbage and store in my Thermador 36-Inch Built-In Fresh Food Column. With the unique ThermaFresh System, I can rest assured knowing that my dish will stay fresh, as the independently-controlled drawer provides humidity control and precise temperature management. Colorful and crunchy, don’t be surprised if this sumptuous side eclipses the main on the menu.
No summer gathering is complete without a delightful dessert – and nothing kicks off the season better than a fruit-packed popsicle. Made from a signature summer fruit – watermelon – and freshly squeezed lime juice, these Watermelon Margarita Pops are the perfect pick for your weekend celebration. With guests making their way in and out of my home during the festivities, I prefer to store them in my Thermador Under Counter Combo Drawer Refrigerator and Freezer for easy access. With customizable cooling modes, I don’t have to worry about the summer heat and my frozen treats. These tasty grownup treats will be kept perfectly cool and can be devoured at any time.
Find the full recipes of each of my favorite standout side dishes below. How are you celebrating Memorial Day Weekend? Share your thoughts with us in the comments or on our social channels:, @ThermadorHome and @Thermador.