Culinary Moments: Chicken Noodle Soup
A stuffed teddy bear, a fuzzy blanket, chicken noodle soup and Mom – what do these all have in common? They are the universally agreed upon “feel better” ingredients.
When we were kids, Mom had the cure all of life’s problems, no matter if it was a scraped knee, a rift with a friend from school or a horrible flu that knocked us off our feet. Mom’s words of wisdom or warm hug were always perfected when served up with a steaming bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup (extra points if it included alphabet shaped noodles).
Even as an adult chicken noodle soup still has the power to turn the world right-side up. The steaming broth and noodles, from that handed-down recipe, are there for us in times of need to provide a moment of soothing comfort no matter what life throws at us. And, it takes on a whole new meaning when we are the ones cooking it up to comfort someone we love.
As a 100-year-old brand we have been there through many ups and downs, and will continue to help set the stage for years to come by providing the supporting cast for the perfect chicken noodle soup, rain or shine.